The project Redefining the zones of agro-climatic favorability for maize and winter wheat towards an intelligent agriculture adapted to climate change in Romania was implemented in partnership by the Babeş-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napica (coordinator), the INDECO Soft company from Baia Mare (P1 ) and the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (P2).
Within the project Redefining the agro-climatic favorability zones for maize and winter wheat towards an intelligent agriculture adapted to climate changes in Romania, the most important achievement is the establishment of the first classification system of general favorability (thermo-pluvio-pedological) for the most important two types of agricultural crops in Romania: corn and winter wheat. This is the first complex national system of this type, and its value is also amplified by the cartographic representation at the national level at a very good spatial resolution (11 km x 11 km). Favorability was detected based on historical climate data (1961-2013), respectively based on climate estimates resulting from 10 regional climate models for two climate evolution scenarios: moderate (RCP4.5) and pessimistic (RCP8.5) for the period 2021- 2050.
This scientific result combined with the availability of data in the multi-functionality platform created within the project (AGROCLIMRO) for displaying the spatial distribution of data, represents an extremely useful agroclimatic service for the field of agriculture and food safety and available free of charge on the project website www.agroclim .ro, in the Favorability/Crop suitability menu. It is, moreover, the first agroclimatic service available at national level and one with the best spatial resolution in Europe.
From the point of view of impact, this result is extremely important in the short and medium term (until 2050) as it provides very useful information to interested factors (economic operators and decision-makers) in the field of agriculture and food safety, allowing the choice, in depending on the natural conditions (temperature, precipitation and soil) and the resources available for investment (irrigation, soil improvement) of the corn hybrids, respectively of the wheat varieties that lend themselves best to the conditions in a certain location.