
Purpose of the project:

The main aim of this project is to develop a platform which should provide the suitability areas for maize and winter wheat crops based on agro-climatological and soil conditions in Romania. The platform will integrate the climatological conditions derived from daily temperature and precipitation data at different time scales (by year, by decades, and by 30-yr periods) for a 53-yr historical period (1961-2013) and for the next 30 years (2021-2050) at a high spatial resolution of 0.1°/0.1° latitude/longitude with soil conditions derived from the soil map 1:200000 for the entire Romanian territory. This is the best spatial resolution available at the proposal moment both for climatic and soil data for Romania. Specific agro-climatic indices established by the expert teams for Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) and for Sector-specific Climate Indices (ET-SCI) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) covering the sector-specific needs for Agriculture and Food Security will be calculated by using ClimPACT2 application. After that, they will be integrated into the online available platform overlaying the soil map. Thus, for the end-users the agro-climatological suitability and soil conditions will be available in a single product, by selecting the location of interest. The historical temperature and precipitation data are available from ROCADA database, which used the highest spatial density of quality controlled meteorological station data for Romanian agricultural areas. The agro-climatological suitability conditions for the next 30 years (2021-2050) will be derived from the Regional Climate Models output. For the projection data a set of high-resolution bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX regional climate models data will be employed. Moderate (RCP 4.5) and pessimistic (RCP 8.5) scenarios output of an ensemble of at least 5 different climate model simulations will be considered for this project.

Specific objectives (SO) and tasks of the project:

SO 1. Climatic database and basemap preparation (coordinated by BBU and implemented by BBU and Indeco SOFT).

Activity 1.1. Temperature and precipitation data extraction from ROCADA database (historical database) (BBU);

Activity 1.2. Temperature and precipitation data extraction from regional climate models output (future period) (BBU);

Activity 1.3. Basemap preparation for further GIS analysis (BBU, Indeco Soft).

SO 2. Identification of agro-climatic conditions suitable for different maize and winter wheat hybrid growing (coordinated by UASMV and implemented by UASMV and BBU).

Activity 2.1. Identification of temperature conditions suitable for different maize hybrid growing (UASVM, BBU);

Activity 2.2. Identification of precipitation conditions suitable for different winter wheat hybrid growing (UASVM, BBU).

SO 3. Design and testing of the online platform (coordinated by INDECO Soft and implemented by Indeco SOFT and BBU).

Activity 3.1. IntelliGIS platform research and deployment (Indeco, BBU);

Activity 3.2. Smart Data Analitycs services processing research and development (Indeco).

SO 4. Calculation of relevant temperature and precipitation indices for selected crops for historical period and for the period 2020-2050 (coordinated by BBU and implemented by BBU and Indeco SOFT).

Activity 4.1. Calculation of relevant agro-climatic indices for selected crops for historical period (BBU, Indeco);

Activity 4.2. Calculation of relevant agro-climatic indices for selected crops for the period 2020-2050 (BBU, Indeco);

Activity 4.3. Mapping the results of A4.1 and A4.2 by years, decades and 30-yr periods (BBU).

SO 5. Optimization of Romanian soil database according to FAO classification system (coordinated by UASMV and implemented by UASMV and BBU).

Activity 5.1. Optimization of spatial database (UASVM and BBU);

Activity 5.2. Optimization of classification of the general soil map for Romania (UASVM);

Activity 5.3. Constructing the homogenous soil map for Romania’s territory (UASVM and BBU).

SO 6. Integrating the climatic and soil data into the platform (coordinate and implemented by Indeco Soft)

Activity 6.1. Integrating the agro-climatic data into the platform (Indeco);

Activity 6.2. Integrating the soil data into the platform (Indeco).

SO 7. Results dissemination (coordinated by BBU and implemented by BBU and UASVM).

Activity 7.1. Design, development, and updating of the project website (BBU);

Activity 7.2. Participation in national and international scientific conferences (BBU and UASVM);

Activity 7.3. Publishing two papers in journals with impact factor calculated (BBU and UASVM);

Activity 7.4. Organizing a workshop to present the new created integrated system to stakeholders (BBU and UASVM).

Calendar of the project implementation:

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